Wednesday, 4. March 2015
Keeping a straight face
Today Treknologic, a podcast I'm regularily listening to, released a out of schedule Memorial episode for Leonard Nimoy. I can strongly recomend it, but I had a hard time keeping myself from crying afterwards.
I'm usually a person who can keep a straight face in front of others, at least concerning sad moods, and laughing even more otherwise, but when someone knocked at my door just at the moment I had finished and I was pretty close to tears already, I needed more than just a moment to compose myself before I could face my neighbour who asked if I had an eggbeater (which, of course, I do not).
Afterwards I was going down into the city (I think I haven't mentioned it yet, I'm living on a hill, I secretly renamed Mt. Seleya and while I live right across from my school / workplace, I have to go down for everything else). I was to meet up with my dad because I'm now officially becoming his computer-IT-PR-graphic-artist-photographer-whatsoever-person, and on my way there I took some time because I still had some grocery shoping to do.
Going down there I passed a book-shop. Not my usual worm-hole, but a rather large one, of which I still have a gift coupon which is constantly residing in my bag, so I decided to stop by. Of course, the English-books-section as well as the sci-fi-shelf were largely unsatisfying, but I had come up with an idea.
I have already been thinking about buying "I am Spock", Nimoys auto biography. I'm not usually a fan of biographies, especially auto biographies, but I think it might be quite worth it, especially as in the audio-book version it is read by Leonard Nimoy himself.
Of course I had to order it and so I went to the information desk and told the clerk there just that. It was getting obvious pretty soon that he's not familiar with Star Trek, as his first question after I had stated title and author was: "I am ... who?"
I was pleasantly surprised thereafter that he spelled "Spock" corectly on the first try. The short list of works available in some way related to that title was coming up obediently on the computer screen and he looked somewhat troubled. The conversation that occured then went as follows:
Clerk: Uhm.... well.... *hesitating and staring at his screen.*
Me: I think it's that one right there. *pointing at the screen.*
Clerk: Yeah, seems to be it.... it's just...
Me: Well, what's the problem?
Clerk: You want it as an audio-book, right?
Me: Yes.
Clerk: And in english, right?
Me: Yes...?
Clerk: Well, we would have to import that...
Me: So?
Clerk: From the US.
Me: And...?
Clerk: You would be bound to that order then....
Me: *Thinking: I want to have it, don't I?* Well, that's no problem.
Clerk: And it might cost extra shipping fee...
Me: How much? *Already expecting something doubling the price.*
Clerk: Around 50 to 70 ct, depeding on the importer.
Me: No that won't make much of a difference. *Trying not to laugh.*
Clerk: And it'll need around two or three weeks to arive.

At that point I had to try really hard to stay serious. I hate it when people can't just tell you what's the case and you have to drag everything out of them. But what was really hillarious there in the end is, that that's the first thing that will arive in two or three weeks, together with the Serenity commic I ordered in the woormhole and two novelizations I ordered from Amazon (yes, Liz, that's a spoiler, but theres going to be more).
Until then I'll probably go on going to school, reading Star Trek, learning some, whatching Star Trek, and occasionally go shopping when I run out of food, in more or less that order.

The count:

He's dead, Jim: |
Fascinating: |
Kirk without shirt / with shirt ripped: ||

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Geeeez, people these days...
I can totally imagine, I'm sitting here in the homepage room listening to Jimi, laughing about this conversation xD
Sounds like a plan.

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