Thursday, 11. June 2015
Murphys Law
I'm sorry that I've been a little silent in the last time. This is most likely due to the problems with the car, the computer and everything else combined to those two, but no details here.
All those troubles, combined with the fact that I haven't been able to attend either of my recreational sources, riding lesson and choir practice, due to holidays and late shifts, have now brought me down with my yearly case of laryngitis / pharyngitis, and it was a good move to call in sick today and go see a doctor. I'm already feeling better than this time yesterday, and that was before the full force kicked in tonight.
The doctor, a nice elderly man, told me to stay at home for now, and that gives me five pretty much free days in a row, since I already got the weekend off. And that means time to read, write, work on Liz' birthday present or the two-page-essay I'll have to hand in in two weeks when school starts again.
Speaking of reading: Due to my afore mentioned computer problems and the fact that I had nothing else to let off steam, I have once again reverted to the virtual worlds created by black letters on paper. After finally finishing the five books I own of the Time Wars series, I was soon so fascinated by Ready Player One that it was the first book of that size I managed to wolf down in under a week, reading the last pages just before my early shift yesterday (and nearly coming too late to the same), after which in my already slightly ill state I got through the Top Gun Novelization completely yesterday, starting The House of Silk in my half hour before going to sleep. Most likely I'll be through that one before the end of the week, too, so some book reports are to be expected.

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