Wednesday, 3. December 2014
Officially homesick
I was back at the wormehole today, buying a christmas-present for Dashia and birthday-christmas-prestents for my cousin, who's birthday was on sunday and whom I'm gonna see again this weekend. (I hope he'll appreciate that I spent twenty bucks on him, although I have to admit that I'm counting on him lending me those Star Wars Commics once he's through...)
On the way down there I passed posters of the different choirs you found around the city having their christmas concerts. And that got me thinking.
I've not been in a choir or band or any group of peopl making music together for half a year now. It's the first time in eight years that I've been with out a choir for so long. It's the first time in eight years that I don't have a christmas concert coming up that I'm playing or singin in. It's the first time since I found my former church choir ten years ago that I've not been to their winter concert, due to the fact that I had late shift that day.
And it's the first time ever that when I walked out of the door and saw a soft powder of snow covering the leafless trees, the roofs, the cars and the grassy parts between the walkways that I thought scrap you. (Well actually not exactly that, but I want to stay family friendly.)
Now that we got snow outside and temperatures below the freezing point of water I have no excuse anymore for not wearing my anorak and today I got painfully aware of the fact that this winter I'm not going to wear it in the Italian Alpes (or any Alpes for that matter) with the crackling of ice-crystals under foot while sliding down a slope in cold-bright sunshine.
I'll not be going skiing with my mum like I used to. We'll not be celebrating christmas eve with my aunts family as we used to and I'll not really be celebrating with anyone that day as I used to, because I have to work early shift on the 25th.
Bottom line: It's December. I'm frustrated. I'm here for two monthes already and I have no choir, no sport and basically no hobby other than watching Castle (which is not really a hobby), reading books (which I don't do as much anymore as I did when I still had to get around by bus) and occasionally writing on my stories (but effectively not getting anywhere). Given, I do sewing while watching anything, but that's rather because of the holes in my clothes than being an actual hobby.
I even quit on the half an hour of daily guitar practice again already, because I found that I really degenerated in the last time and because I got no one listening than myself.
The only thing I can get myself to do right now is go and cook something for dinner and that only because I'm hungry and I ran out of five-minute-meals, milk and stuff to put on a bread.

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